04 September 2020

Child Nutrition vs Food Education


Food and nutrition education expands beyond the classroom, to engage children in meaningful food experiences that reach the whole school, household and broader community.  

Food and nutrition education is an essential element of school-based program (such as school meals, health services, social protection) to help children and adolescents makes food choices that support both human and environmental health.

To be successful, SFNE requires a holistic approach with explicit linkages and interactions between the school curriculum, extracurricular activities, school food environment, local food system, school gardens, meals, and hygiene and health interventions.  

Schools are a unique opportunity to support good nutrition and the development of children and adolescents. The school setting is one of structured learning, a place where those who influence children’s food perceptions, practices and habits interact. It is a venue for making choices and decisions about food. SFNE capitalizes on this and creates learning opportunities and experiences that can shape healthier food patterns, especially when supported by a healthy food environment.

Countries are increasingly integrating food and nutrition education as a core element of their national curricula and of their school food and health policies. However, more still needs to be done to reach the full potential of food and nutrition education in schools. FAO is currently working to understand how SFNE is integrated into national education systems around the world and to examine what are the capacities and resources needed across the system.

As food is at the center of many modern sustainable development challenges, a new vision and approach to traditional SFNE is needed, one where children and their communities develop capacities that support their health and well-being, and are empowered to become active agents of change in their local food systems.

culled from FAO... Read more about food whatUAte.blogspot.com

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