29 August 2017

The Achievement of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) So Far

What U Ate

Statistics at FAO
FAO develops methods and standards for food and agriculture statistics, provides technical assistance services and disseminates data for global monitoring. Statistical activities at FAO include the development and implementation of methodologies and standards for data collection, validation, processing and analysis. FAO also plays a vital part in the global compilation, processing and dissemination of food and agriculture statistics, and provides essential statistical capacity development to member countries.
FAO has a decentralized statistical system and statistical activities cover the areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, land and water resources and use, climate, environment, population, gender, nutrition, poverty, rural development, education and health as well as many others.

FAO Statistical Programme of Work

The FAO Statistical Programme of Work is a collaborative effort that is overseen by the Chief Statistician and supported by the Inter-Departmental Working Group on Statistics. These two mechanisms ensure strengthened coordination and cooperation on statistical matters and guarantee the high quality of FAO data.

The Statistical Programme of Work provides a summary of all of the principal statistical activities at FAO, and a detailed description of all the individual statistical activities carried out by FAO Divisions active in the field of statistics. It presents the organization’s operational activities according to different statistical categories and domains.
It is an important tool for improving effective coordination, reducing duplication in data collection and methodological work, and for stimulating joint efforts among international organizations in many areas.
Read more @ WhatUAte.blogspot.com

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