14 June 2020

Goiter and its Possible Treatment


Let's start by defining Goiter, this is a swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in your neck. It makes two hormones that are secreted into the blood: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones are necessary for all the cells in your body to work normally.

For healthy people, the thyroid gets only minimal attention in general health habits, but for people with autoimmune diseases or genetic abnormalities, maintaining the peak performance of the thyroid can be an uphill battle that some don’t even know they’re fighting.

Without healthy regulation of thyroid hormones, the entire body can suffer. These hormones are responsible for controlling bodily metabolism, which means that even minor deviations from the norm can impact body weight, energy levels, and mood. Given how many other bodily factors can cause these same symptoms, the thyroid may be the last place that patients think to look when they are not feeling well. Additionally, while a thyroid problem is usually easily diagnosed with a blood test, treatment can sometimes be difficult and disruptive.


Goiter can be caused by a number of different conditions:

1. Iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency is the major cause of goiter worldwide, but this is rarely a cause in more economically developed countries where iodine is routinely added to salt.

As iodine is less commonly found in plants, vegan diets may lack sufficient iodine. This is less of a problem for vegans who live in countries such as the United States that add iodine to salt.

Dietary iodine is found in:

i. seafood
ii. plant food grown in iodine-rich soil
iii. cow’s milk

The thyroid gland needs iodine to manufacture thyroid hormones, which regulate the metabolism.

2. Autoimmune disease

The main cause of goiter in developed countries is autoimmune disease. Women over the age of 40 are at greater risk of goiter, as are people with a family history of the condition.

Hypothyroidism is the result of an under-active thyroid gland, and this causes goiter. Because the gland produces too little thyroid hormone, it is stimulated to produce more, leading to the swelling.

This usually results from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue and causes inflammation of the thyroid gland.

3. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland, is another cause of goiter. Too much thyroid hormone is produced. This usually happens as a result of Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immunity turns on itself and attacks the thyroid gland, causing it to swell.

4. Other causes

Less common causes of goiter include the following:

Smoking: Thiocyanate in tobacco smoke interferes with iodine absorption.

Hormonal changes: Pregnancy, puberty, and menopause can affect thyroid function.

Thyroiditis: Inflammation caused by infection, for example, can lead to goiter.

Lithium: This psychiatric drug can interfere with thyroid function.Overconsumption of iodine: Too much iodine can cause a goiter.

Radiation therapy: This can trigger a swollen thyroid, particularly when administered to the neck.


The degree of swelling and the severity of symptoms produced by the goiter depends on the individual.

Most goiters produce no symptoms. 
When symptoms do occur, the following are most common:

i. throat symptoms of tightness, cough, and hoarseness trouble swallowing in severe cases, 

ii. difficulty breathing, possibly with a high-pitch sound

Other symptoms may be present because of the underlying cause of the goiter, but they are not because of the goiter itself.  For example, an overactive thyroid can cause symptoms such as:

increased sweating
heat hypersensitivity
increased appetite
hair loss
weight loss

In cases where goiter is a result of hypothyroidism, the underactive thyroid can cause symptoms such as:

cold intolerance
personality changes
hair loss
weight gain

Aside from the swelling itself, many people with goiter present no symptoms or signs at all.

_According to research the major cause of goiter is deficiency of iodine and autoimmune disorder. Therefore supplementing for iodine and raising Glutathione levels will be of great help. According to recent research, autoimmune disorder has been linked to deficiency of Glutathione in the body._

And Cellgevity has been scientifically proven to be 300% better than the next  best alternative in boosting the glutathione level of the body intercellularly. It also contain 12 other powerful synergistic ingredients that helps the body with detoxification thereby getting rid of heavy metals, free radical, oxidative stress and also anti-inflammatory property that leads to autoimmune disorder.

Max 357 will also be very helpful since goiter is a tumor. Omega oils contain properties that stops tumor growth. 

When this happens the body is empowered to reverse the conditions naturally without any known side effects. Combined with other prescribed medications bring a faster result. 

Feel free to go online and read more👇🏼

Moustafa AHA, Ali EMM, Mohamed TM, Abdou HI. 2009. Oxidative stress and thyroid hormones in patients with liver diseases. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 20(7):703-708. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0953620509001605

Xing, M. 2012. 
Oxidative stress: a new risk factor for thyroid cancer. Endocrine-Related Cancer. 19(1):C7-C11. https://erc.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/erc/19/1/C7.xml

Poncin S, Gerard AC, Boucquey M, Senou M, Calderon PB, et al. 2008. Oxidative stress in the thyroid gland: from harmlessness to hazard depending on the iodine content. Endocrinology. 149(1):424-433. https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/149/1/424/2455161

Aghwan ZA, Sazili AQ, Alimon AR, Goh YM, and Hilmi M. 2013. Blood hematology, serum thyroid hormones and glutathione peroxidase status in kacang goats fed inorganic iodine and selenium supplemented diets. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 26(11):1577-1582. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4093820/#__ffn_sectitle

Schomburg L, Kohrle J. 2008. On the importance of selenium and iodine metabolism for thyroid hormone biosynthesis and human health. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 52(11):1235-1246. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mnfr.200700465 

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