19 August 2016

5 Foods Men Must Eat to Increase Sperm Count and Performance

What U Ate

5 Foods to Increase Sperm Count

If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, there’s at least a 30% chance it’s because of male fertility problems. That’s why it’s so important to eat the right foods! The bottom line is that you need to eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of alcohol, sugar, refined food products, junk food, and fat.
Eating the right food can increase your sperm motility and count, and improve your fertility levels. What you eat has a direct effect on your physical health and fertility levels – including your sperm count.

1. Red peppers, carrots, oatmeal, dried apricots

The vitamin A in these foods help grow healthy sperm and improve male fertility.
food to increase sperm motility“Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm,” writes Heidi Murkoff in What to Expect Before You’re Expecting. To increase sperm count and motility, eat dark green lettuce, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and dairy fortified with vitamin A.
And yes, you can make spaghetti sauce with red peppers, carrots, dried apricots, and oatmeal! The apricots add a lovely sweet flavor to the sauce, and the oatmeal binds the ground beef together.
Research shows that there has been a significant decline in male fertility, including sperm count, throughout the developed world over the past several decades. Environmental factors such as endocrine disruptors are related to low sperm count.
how to recover sperm 
Quick sperm health tip: If you’re worried about your sperm count or sperm health, and you’ve been trying to get pregnant for months or years, try Fertility Blend for Men. It’s the bestselling male fertility supplement on the market. It’s a supplement, which means you still need to eat the right foods to increase your sperm count and improve your fertility.
New research shows that exposure to aluminum has increased significantly, and aluminum has been found in individual male sperm. Aluminum in the environment is a potential contributor to these changes in reproductive fertility.

2. Asparagus, snow peas, cooked tomatoes, strawberries

The vitamin C in these foods affect sperm motility and viability (how fast and effectively they swim). Vitamin C and vitamin A are found in many of the same foods: kale, red peppers, sweet potatoes, yellow veggies and fruits. The antioxidants in these foods help increase sperm count by decreasing harmful free radicals.
Quick sperm count tip: Don’t eat foods to increase sperm count and motility in front of the television set! Research shows that healthy young men who watch TV for more than 20 hours a week have almost half the sperm count of men who don’t watch much television. Exercise can help increase sperm health: men who do 15 or more hours of moderate to vigorous exercise every week have sperm counts that are 73% higher than those who don’t exercise that much, according to a study published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

3. Turkey, eggs, seafood, oysters, pumpkin seeds

“Inadequate amounts of zinc can lead to low testosterone levels and diminished sperm count,” writes Heidi Murkoff in What to Expect Before You’re Expecting. Zinc is actually quite widespread – it’s also found in beef, yogurt, oatmeal, corn.
Also, vitamin D helps make sperm swim faster. Research shows that this vitamin can improve sperm function and movement – and it’s necessary for male fertility and reproduction. You know what? Every vitamin has an effect on our overall health. True, some vitamins and minerals can boost different parts of our bodies – such as zinc to increase sperm health – but it’s important to eat a balance of ALL vitamins and minerals.
Quick sperm motility tip: Sperm supplements and vitamins such as FertilAid for Men – male fertility supplement may not increase male fertility for all men – it depends on the cause of the infertility or health issues. My husband’s low sperm count was not helped by supplements or acupuncture because his issue wasn’t treatable. But, fertility supplements are unlikely to hurt your sperm health.
Always talk to your doctor or fertility specialist about supplements for sperm production, especially if you’re taking prescription medication.

4. Salmon, sardines, anchovies, walnuts

“DHA and other essential omega-3 fatty acids help improve blood flow to the genitals and increase sexual function,” writes Heidi Murkoff in What to Expect Before You’re Expecting. “Fertile men’s sperm contains more of this essential fatty acid than the sperm of infertile men.”
Other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include arugula, crab, shrimp, flax, and chicken. To increase sperm count, load up on foods that contain healthy omega-3s. Or, take a male fertility supplement or vitamin with these essential fatty acids.

5. Leafy green veggies, avocados, beans, whole grains

Make sure you’re getting enough folic acid, because low levels can lead to birth defects. Men with low levels of folate have more sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. To increase your sperm count, production, and motility, make sure you’re eating lots of dark green veggies and fruit. You may also want to consider a folic acid supplement.
how to increase sperm motilityQuick sperm health tip: Why fix what’s not broken? Do you know if you need to recover your sperm count or health? If you’re worried about your sperm count, production, or motility, try an at-home male male fertility test — such as the Sperm Check for Fertility (it’s a male sperm test to help determine if you have sperm problems).
Here’s what you need to know:
  • SpermCheck Fertility is an easy-to-use at-home sperm test for determining the concentration of sperm in semen.
  • You’ll know within minutes whether your sperm count is low, or if it’s in the “normal” range.
  • A positive result indicates that your sperm count is above 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. This is a healthy male fertility level.
  • A negative result indicates that your sperm count is below the 20 million per milliliter threshold, and further testing by your doctor is probably a good idea.
Did you know that your sperm count changes every three months or so? Your body is continually producing sperm, and short-term illnesses such as the flu can change your sperm count. However, chronic low sperm count is one of the main causes of fertility issues for couples who are having trouble getting pregnant.

Research Update – Foods to Recover Sperm Count

In Foods to Fuel Your Fertility, the writer says that an excess of “not-so-fertility-friendly” fats (such as saturated and trans fats found in fried foods, processed meats and refined and processed foods such as biscuits, cakes and pastries) can decrease the membrane fluidity and flexibility necessary for healthy sperm mobility.
Diets poor in omega 3 and rich in omega 6 may also contribute to poor semen quality and sperm function. Walnuts are a good food to increase sperm count, production, and motility in men because walnuts are very rich in omega 3, as well as vitamin E, zinc, selenium and folate.

Sugar has been linked to poorer sperm health

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston linked a high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages with lower sperm motility in healthy young men.
Research from the Rochester Young Men’s study which found that men who ate a lot of fish, chicken, whole-grains, fruits and vegetables had better semen quality and motility than those who followed the more typical “western” pattern of refined grains, pizza, high-energy drinks and high intakes of red and processed meats and sweets.

Eating to increase sperm count involves eliminating fat from fried and processed food

Eating to boost semen health and get pregnant leaves little room for the not-so-fertility-friendly fats, such as saturated and trans fats. These are found in fried foods, processed meats and refined and processed foods such as biscuits, cakes and pastries.
For more tips on increasing sperm health, read Food and Fertility – The Effect of Carbs, Fats, Proteins, and Dairy.
Do you have questions about how to recover sperm motility or improve the health of your sperm? Talk to your doctor, urologist, or fertility specialist. I can’t offer medical advice.
Also – if you know anything about maxoza- L powder as a fertility supplement for men to increase sperm health, please let me know.
If you don’t know your sperm count or health, take the MicraSperm test above. It will give you an accurate and easy sperm count test in the privacy of your home. This kit includes a Screen for 3 Primary Male Fertility Parameters (including Sperm Count and Motility), as well as a microscope, slides, solutions, and sampling accessories. It’s a complete easy-to-use kit that comes with comprehensive instructions to help you analyze and interpret results.
Culled from http://www.theadventurouswriter.com
Read more gist @ whatUate.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Rohan said...

Thanks for sharing five foods for men to increase sperm count, this is useful post for all men, if we follow the post and take Medicine To Increase Sperm Count then we get fast result.