21 August 2016

Sea Foods Art Specialist Shows Mastery

What U Ate

This is really amazing how  he took his precious time in bringing about the beauty behind the dry wood that would have ended up in fire and turned to charcoal...

If only this  local craft man would be empowered and given a leverage by the government, to showcase his talent and transcend it to the younger generation who are so engrossed in getting a white collar job. This category of art would have created enough employment for the youths not forgetting our Tourism sector which can even attract foreign investors.

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Anonymous said...

Can't even bother to give the artist's name. Sad.

Unknown said...

What is this artist name and where is he from

Unknown said...

Please notify me

What U Ate said...

Harris, So sad I only bumped over this photo. I was without caption when I got it.

But I can make attempts to see if I can get a thing or two that will connect me to him.

What U Ate said...

Merlin, I'm so sorry I just stumbled over this photo of an African bro. and decided to write down about the state of nations in Africa and some other parts of the world engulfed with gross embezzlement of Government funds leading more serious crimes instead of focusing on the beauty and natural endowment within and how it can be developed. Great talents are just wasted in Africa.